Below: with bassist, Jody Bliley (spelling?)
Above: w/ guitarist Les ???
Above: w/ Jody Bliley and the drummer, whose name I can't remember.
Above: tunning for "Let It Ring"
Below: "Let It Ring"
bum shot
So, I took a lot of photos. I kept trying to get a "good shot," and I guess I couldn't see the screen on my digi-camara
very well, because more turned out better than I thought. Amy did tend to face away from me, though. (I was on
the far right, in front of the bassist, and she seemed to prefer jamming with the guitarist on the far left . . .)
Okay, I tried to take a picture when Amy had a Red Sox (boo) hat on her head, but she took it off, before I snapped the
picture. So, here's her taking it off and laughing about it . . . (Above)
Above: Amy kept rocking out behind the mic stand, making photography difficult.
Above: "Let It Ring"